Posted: Post subject: i am on my 9th year of hormone therapy..ugh! |
hormone therapy is a major factor for a male to transition,u can transition emotionally and intellectually but it won't be complete without physical transition.the natural looks that i have and feminity is a result of hardwork,dedication and enough level of discipline and education,i still remember when i was 18,and i took oral hormones.then it became a part of my every meal and habit coz usually,most transgirls are lazy to take oral hormones but i did it for the past 7 years,and i just took my injectable hormones 2 years ago which i order online from thailand and delivered through my mailbox regularly,i have some coupons and vouchers wherein i can spend it on some clinic in thailand sponsoring any surgery that i want,i got this vouchers from a transgirl pageant recently this year,so,i am still undecided if i need to use it or not,coz i am actualy contented of what i am right now.i am saying this coz i want to be a living inspiration for every girl who wants to transition and still on transition,being a trangender is not about individuality or something you need to pursue,it is not like a platform that we need to be in,it is about giving and displaying a new meaning of feminity and letting other people realize that gender is not a requirement to fit in the society and making people know that being a transgender does not only mean we are intended to be with a guy or be any guys missing piece,i also make effort to look good for others coz i know for a fact the most people values first impression,,beauty is also important,inside and out,
beauty that sees the goodness in a bad situation, or shining for others when their path is not lit.Has anyone noticed that you might not think someone looks paticularly 'beautiful' as first glance but then after talking to them for a while their manerisms and personality seem to exentuate their beauty? The opposite can also be the case too. Someone who looks beautiful can seem less so if they exhibit unattractive personality traits.Society focuses on physical appearance, so much so that transgirls are now overly preoccupied with it dressing provocatively, and experiencing low self esteem–all because of the ridiculously high expectations that the world places on transgender women.